Tariff Documents Available for Public Viewing

Complete Base Tariff Sheets
Date Filed: August 01, 2024 02:28 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2024 02:28 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
CAF-ICC Certification Accuracy
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Certification Eligibility
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Certification Non-Duplicate
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Eligible Recoery
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR TRP Plan Certification
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Ror ACAM Tariff Review Plan
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Test Year Cost Support
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Cost Support
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 15, 2024 09:14 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 02, 2023 01:02 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 02, 2023 01:02 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Cost Support
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ACAM Tariff Review Plan
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ACAM TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Certifications
Date Filed: June 16, 2023 11:28 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 01, 2022 07:48 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2022 07:48 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
CAF-ICC Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
CAF-ICC Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
CAF-ICC Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
Tariff Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revenue Requirement
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 02, 2021 07:18 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 02, 2021 07:18 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Studies
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
ACAM Showing
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
ICC Data
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
True Up
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ILEC Summary
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF ICC Certifications
Date Filed: June 16, 2021 02:50 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: September 15, 2020 02:35 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: September 15, 2020 02:35 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
CAF-ICC Certifications
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ILEC Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Ror ILEC Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ILEC True-Up
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ILEC Summary
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Studies
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ACAM TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2020 04:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Description and Justification
Date Filed: October 17, 2019 03:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: October 17, 2019 03:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: October 17, 2019 03:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 01, 2019 08:07 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2019 08:07 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description & Justification
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe ACAM TRP
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe 2018-19 Test Year
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe 2018 PYCOS
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe Rate Comp
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe ICC Data
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe ICC Summary
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe True-Up
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Chillicothe ICC Certifications
Date Filed: June 17, 2019 12:32 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Updated Complete Base Document
Date Filed: August 02, 2018 02:43 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 02, 2018 02:43 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
CAF Certifications
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ILEC Summary
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
True Up RoR ILEC
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Rate Comparison CAF RoR ILEC
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate Ceiling CAF
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
RoR ICC Data
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
ROR ACAM TRP and Certification
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support PYCOS and Test Year
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 15, 2018 07:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 01, 2017 11:58 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2017 11:58 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
ROR ACAM Tariff Review Plan and Certifications
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Tariff Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Summary
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF-ICC Certifications
Date Filed: June 16, 2017 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Restored Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 11, 2017 03:03 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Cover Letter
Date Filed: January 11, 2017 03:03 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Proposed Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 11, 2017 11:44 AM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Other
Application for Special Permission
Date Filed: January 11, 2017 11:44 AM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
Description & Justification and Cost Support.
Date Filed: January 03, 2017 11:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 03, 2017 11:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Cover Letter
Date Filed: January 03, 2017 11:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 01, 2016 12:13 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Base Tariff Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2016 12:13 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description & Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revenue Requirement Summary - PYCOS 2015
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Test Year 2016-2017
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF ICC Duplicate Recovery Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF ICC Accuracy Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF ICC Eligibility Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2016 Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2016 ROR ILEC ICC Data
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2016 Tariff Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2016 True Up Final
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF ICC Input Template
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2016-2017 Summary TRP
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2016 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: March 01, 2016 04:50 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: March 01, 2016 04:50 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Description and Justification
Date Filed: February 11, 2016 11:52 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: February 11, 2016 11:52 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter (No. 110)
Date Filed: February 11, 2016 11:52 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Cover Letter for Base Document
Date Filed: August 03, 2015 09:59 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Updated Complete Base Document
Date Filed: August 03, 2015 09:59 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - Tariff Rate Comparison
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - Rate Ceiling
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - ROR Summary
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - Eligible Recovery Summary
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - ARC True Up
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - ROR TRP
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - Test Year
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents - PYCOS Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description & Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2015 12:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Description and Justification
Date Filed: April 01, 2015 04:51 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: April 01, 2015 04:51 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: April 01, 2015 04:51 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Updated Base Document
Date Filed: July 28, 2014 09:11 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: July 28, 2014 09:11 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS 2014-2015 Filing
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Test Year 2014-2015 Filing
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate of Return TRP 2014-2015 Filing
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP Eligible Recovery
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP ARC Revenue
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Expected CAF-ICC Support
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
CAF Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
ROR TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2014 11:43 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 01, 2013 11:46 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2013 11:46 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
2013 Rate of Return ILEC Documents
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 04:15 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2013 Tariff Rate Comparison Documents
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 04:15 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2013 Rate Ceiling Documents
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 04:15 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2013 Certifications
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 04:15 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Amended Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 04:15 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Cover Letter
TRP Certifications
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate of Return Form TRP
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate of Return TRP and Certification
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2013-14 Test Year Documents
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Documents
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 17, 2013 12:46 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Document Cover Letter
Date Filed: December 06, 2012 07:36 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Check Sheet and Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: October 26, 2012 01:35 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description & Justification
Date Filed: October 26, 2012 01:35 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter (No. 105)
Date Filed: October 26, 2012 01:35 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Transmittal No. 104
Date Filed: July 03, 2012 02:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Check Sheet and Supplement No. 12
Date Filed: July 03, 2012 02:06 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Revised Pages
Date Filed: June 20, 2012 03:12 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter (No. 103)
Date Filed: June 20, 2012 03:12 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Application No. 21 - Special Permission
Date Filed: June 20, 2012 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
TRP and Certificates
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2012-2013 TEST
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
2011 PYCOS
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 18, 2012 03:09 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: February 06, 2012 12:03 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: February 06, 2012 12:03 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Description & Justification
Date Filed: January 05, 2012 12:01 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 05, 2012 12:01 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter (No. 101)
Date Filed: January 05, 2012 12:01 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: February 10, 2011 01:51 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal No. 100
Date Filed: February 10, 2011 01:51 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Proposed Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: February 03, 2011 03:05 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Application for Special Permission Letter
Date Filed: February 03, 2011 03:05 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 28, 2011 02:15 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal No. 99
Date Filed: January 28, 2011 02:15 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: September 08, 2010 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: September 08, 2010 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Description & Justification
Date Filed: August 10, 2010 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: August 10, 2010 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 10, 2010 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Updated Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 04, 2010 02:30 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 04, 2010 02:30 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Part 69 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 69 PYCOS Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 PYCOS Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Sheets
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2010 01:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: June 07, 2010 11:35 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: June 07, 2010 11:35 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Part 69 2009-2010
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 69 Test Year
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 Test Revised
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 Test Year
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Description & Justification
Cover Letter
Date Filed: May 06, 2010 03:48 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Cover Letter
Supplement No. 11 to Tariff F.C.C. No. 1
Date Filed: April 27, 2010 04:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Check Sheets
Date Filed: April 27, 2010 04:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: April 27, 2010 04:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Transmittal Letter (No. 95)
Date Filed: April 15, 2010 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: April 15, 2010 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: April 15, 2010 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: April 15, 2010 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 69 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: April 15, 2010 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: December 02, 2009 12:02 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: December 02, 2009 12:02 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Sheets
Date Filed: November 17, 2009 04:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter (No. 94)
Date Filed: November 17, 2009 04:10 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Illustrative Tariff Pages
Date Filed: November 17, 2009 02:12 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Application for Special Permission
Date Filed: November 17, 2009 02:12 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
Part 36 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: November 10, 2009 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 69 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: November 10, 2009 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: November 10, 2009 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: November 10, 2009 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: November 10, 2009 07:25 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 04, 2009 08:39 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: August 04, 2009 08:39 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Part 69 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 69 PYCOS Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 Test Year Cost Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Part 36 PYCOS Study
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Sheets Condensed: Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2009 09:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Document
Date Filed: March 03, 2009 02:42 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: March 03, 2009 02:42 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Opposition to Motion to Accept Late-Filed Petition and Opposition to Petition of AT&T Corp.
Date Filed: February 17, 2009 09:09 AM
Filing Type: Reply to a Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Reply to Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
Transmittal No. 91
Date Filed: February 04, 2009 01:30 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: February 04, 2009 01:30 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: February 04, 2009 01:30 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Document
Date Filed: December 01, 2008 04:08 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter dated December 1, 2008
Date Filed: December 01, 2008 04:08 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: October 28, 2008 04:14 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: October 28, 2008 04:14 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter (No. 90)
Date Filed: October 28, 2008 04:14 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: August 05, 2008 01:29 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter Dated August 5, 2008
Date Filed: August 05, 2008 01:29 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Cost Support: Test Year Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Test Year Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate of Return - Cost Analysis
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2008 01:24 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 02, 2006 08:34 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 02, 2006 08:34 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
TRP Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description & Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rate of Return - Cost Analysis
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Test Year Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Test Year Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2006 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: April 07, 2006 11:09 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: April 07, 2006 11:09 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: March 23, 2006 01:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: March 23, 2006 01:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Illustrative Tariff Pages
Date Filed: March 22, 2006 03:42 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Application for Special Permission
Date Filed: March 22, 2006 03:42 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: March 08, 2006 12:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: March 08, 2006 12:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: March 08, 2006 12:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: February 01, 2005 01:49 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter
Date Filed: February 01, 2005 01:49 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Description & Justification
Date Filed: December 17, 2004 01:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: December 17, 2004 01:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: December 17, 2004 01:21 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Document
Date Filed: December 03, 2004 03:10 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter for Base Document
Date Filed: December 03, 2004 03:10 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: November 17, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal No. 84
Date Filed: November 17, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: November 15, 2004 04:35 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover letter for Special Permission No. 17
Date Filed: November 15, 2004 04:35 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: November 03, 2004 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description & Justification
Date Filed: November 03, 2004 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: November 03, 2004 08:23 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Document
Date Filed: September 07, 2004 01:40 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: September 07, 2004 01:40 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Base Document
Date Filed: August 13, 2004 11:29 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 13, 2004 11:29 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Special Permission No. 16
Date Filed: August 12, 2004 01:56 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
Cost Support
Date Filed: July 29, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: July 29, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: July 29, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter (No. 82)
Date Filed: July 29, 2004 12:16 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Supplement No. 9
Date Filed: July 06, 2004 02:54 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: July 06, 2004 02:54 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Reply of Chillicothe Telephone Company
Date Filed: June 29, 2004 02:41 PM
Filing Type: Reply to a Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Reply to Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits Part 5
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits Part 4
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits Part 3
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits Part 2
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits Part 1
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Petition
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:49 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Exhibits A-B
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:29 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
AT&T Petition
Date Filed: June 23, 2004 06:29 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
Cost Support: Test Year Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Test Year Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Switched Rate Calculations
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Cost Analysis
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: ARC Adjustment Charts
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal No. 80
Date Filed: June 16, 2004 09:12 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Transmittal No. 79
Date Filed: May 17, 2004 02:38 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Description & Justification
Date Filed: May 17, 2004 02:38 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: May 17, 2004 02:38 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: March 02, 2004 01:23 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Cover Letter of March 2, 2004
Date Filed: March 02, 2004 01:23 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Rates Calculations
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: January 16, 2004 12:20 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: October 14, 2003 10:10 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Base Tariff Document
Date Filed: September 02, 2003 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: September 02, 2003 08:08 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Description and Justification
Date Filed: August 25, 2003 10:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support Documentation
Date Filed: August 25, 2003 10:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: August 25, 2003 10:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 25, 2003 10:48 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2003 04:23 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: August 01, 2003 04:23 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: August 01, 2003 04:23 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: August 01, 2003 04:23 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 01, 2003 04:23 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Cover Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Tariff Pages-Reinstatement of Current Rates
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Tariff Pages-Revised 2003 Rates
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description and Justification
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Condensed Rate Calculation
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan Part II
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan Certification
Date Filed: July 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Illustrative Tariff Pages
Date Filed: July 18, 2003 03:49 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Application for Special Permission
Date Filed: July 18, 2003 03:49 PM
Filing Type: Application For Special Permission
Document Type: Application for Special Permission
Revised Check Sheet
Date Filed: July 03, 2003 03:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Supplement #10
Date Filed: July 03, 2003 03:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Tranmittal No. 75
Date Filed: July 03, 2003 03:47 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Response to AT&T Petition
Date Filed: June 27, 2003 12:03 PM
Filing Type: Reply to a Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Reply to Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
Cost Support Test Year Part 69
Date Filed: June 18, 2003 03:41 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support Test Year Part 36
Date Filed: June 18, 2003 03:41 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support PYCOS Part 69
Date Filed: June 18, 2003 03:41 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support PYCOS Part 36
Date Filed: June 18, 2003 03:41 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Amended Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 18, 2003 03:41 PM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Cover Letter
Cost Support: Cost Overview
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: Condensed Rate Calculations
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Overview
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Certification
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: ARC Forms
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Standard Forms
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: test year part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: test year part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: pycos part 69
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: pycos part 36
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 16, 2003 08:04 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: April 25, 2003 11:09 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Revised Pages
Date Filed: April 25, 2003 11:09 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Description & Justification
Date Filed: April 25, 2003 11:09 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: October 15, 2002 02:59 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: October 15, 2002 02:59 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Section 61.38 Cost Support
Date Filed: August 29, 2002 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: August 29, 2002 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: August 29, 2002 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 29, 2002 01:37 PM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Complete Base Tariff
Date Filed: August 02, 2002 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: August 02, 2002 01:41 PM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
Electronic Filing Receipt from June 17,2002
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Other
Tariff Review Plan: Overview
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Certification
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Description and Justification
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: ARC Forms
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Form 492
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Tariff Review Plan: Standard Forms
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Tariff Pages
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Revised Tariff Pages
Cost Support: Demand Summary
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support Overview
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Condensed Rate Calculations
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: test year part 69
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: test year part 36
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: pycos part 69
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cost Support: pycos part 36
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: June 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Filing Type: Revised Tariff
Document Type: Transmittal Letter
Base Tariff
Date Filed: May 03, 2002 09:28 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Complete Base Document
Transmittal Letter
Date Filed: May 03, 2002 09:28 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter