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Cover Letter for 2011 Price Cap Revisions - Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2011 10:20 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J an d Exhibits for 2011 Price Cap Revisions - Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2011 10:20 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
TRP (PDF Version) for 2011 Price Cap Revisions - Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2011 10:20 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP (Lotus Version) for 2011 Price Cap Revisions - Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2011 10:20 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter for 2010 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2010 10:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for 2010 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2010 10:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
TRP (PDF Version) for 2010 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2010 10:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP (Lotus Version) for 2010 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 17, 2010 10:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter for 2009 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2009 07:14 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for 2009 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2009 07:14 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
TRP (PDF Version) for 2009 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2009 07:14 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP (Lotus Version) for 2009 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2009 07:14 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter for Transmittal No. 1155
Date Filed: September 16, 2008 03:55 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for Transmittal No. 1155
Date Filed: September 16, 2008 03:55 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
TRP (PDF Version) for Transmittal No. 1155
Date Filed: September 16, 2008 03:55 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
TRP (Lotus Version) for Transmittal No. 1155
Date Filed: September 16, 2008 03:55 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Errata Letter for 2008 Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: June 03, 2008 10:12 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for 2008 Errata-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: June 03, 2008 10:12 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Description & Justification
PDF TRP for 2008 Errata-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: June 03, 2008 10:12 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Lotus TRP for 2008 Errata-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: June 03, 2008 10:12 AM
Filing Type: Complete Base Tariff
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter for 2008 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2008 07:15 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for 2008 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2008 07:15 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
PDF TRP for 2008 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2008 07:15 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Lotus TRP for 2008 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: April 30, 2008 07:15 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Reply of AT&T Inc. to Oppositions filed by Sprint Nextel Corporation and Southern Communications Services
Date Filed: February 25, 2008 10:27 AM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
FOIA Letter for BellSouth Price Flex Petition
Date Filed: January 25, 2008 11:34 AM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Cover Letter
BellSouth Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Date Filed: January 25, 2008 11:18 AM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
BellSouth Appendices for Price Flex Petition
Date Filed: January 25, 2008 11:18 AM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Supporting Documents
AT&T Opposition to Comptel's Motion to Accept Late-Filed Petition and Reply to Comptel's Petition to Reject AT&T's Transmittal No. 1114
Date Filed: November 14, 2007 05:46 PM
Filing Type: Reply to a Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Reply to Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
Cover Letter for 2007 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 01, 2007 02:58 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
D&J and Exhibits for 2007 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 01, 2007 02:58 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
PDF TRP for 2007 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 01, 2007 02:58 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Lotus TRP for 2007 Price Cap Revisions-Short Form Annual Filing Part 1
Date Filed: May 01, 2007 02:58 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Revised Short Form TRP - Cover Letter
Date Filed: May 31, 2006 10:51 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Revised Short Form TRP - D&J
Date Filed: May 31, 2006 10:51 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
Revised Short Form TRP
Date Filed: May 31, 2006 10:51 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Short Form - Cover Letter
Date Filed: May 01, 2006 11:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Short Form - D&J
Date Filed: May 01, 2006 11:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Description & Justification
Short Form - TRP
Date Filed: May 01, 2006 11:05 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter and D&J
Date Filed: May 02, 2005 09:51 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Short Form TRP
Date Filed: May 02, 2005 09:51 AM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Cover Letter and D&J
Date Filed: April 29, 2004 07:45 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Short Form TRP
Date Filed: April 29, 2004 07:45 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Short Form TRP Cover Letter
Date Filed: May 01, 2003 03:20 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Short Form TRP Supporting Documents
Date Filed: May 01, 2003 03:20 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Short Form Tarrif Review Plan
Date Filed: May 01, 2003 03:20 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Other
Reply to Comments in Opposition to Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Date Filed: August 29, 2002 04:32 PM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Other
Letter requesting confidential treatment
Date Filed: August 02, 2002 05:42 PM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Cover Letter
Petition for Pricing Flexibility - Public Version
Date Filed: August 02, 2002 05:42 PM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Cover Letter for Short Form TRP
Date Filed: May 01, 2002 03:30 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Cover Letter
Supporting Documentation for Short Form TRP
Date Filed: May 01, 2002 03:30 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Date Filed: May 01, 2002 03:30 PM
Filing Type: Tariff Review Plan (TRP)
Document Type: Supporting Documents
Reply to Petition to Suspend Tariff Filing
Date Filed: June 29, 2001 03:58 PM
Filing Type: Reply to a Petition or Comment Against a Tariff Filing
Document Type: Reply to Petition or Comment Against a Tariff
BellSouth's Reply to Oppositions
Date Filed: September 18, 2000 06:32 PM
Filing Type: Petition or Comment Against Other Documents
Document Type: Petition or Comment Against Other Documents
Petition forPricing Flexibility
Date Filed: August 24, 2000 12:00 AM
Filing Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility
Document Type: Petition for Pricing Flexibility