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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ Summary List
What is the procedure for multiple FCC IDs of an RF Device? Can the same devices be marketed under different FCC IDs?

What is a Grantee Code, what are the guidelines for acquiring a Grantee Code, modifying Grantee Code information, transferring control of a Grantee Code and recovering a lost Grantee Code regist

What marketing conditions apply when a Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) grant is dismissed?

Where do I ship a test sample when I in response to a sample request from the FCC Laboratory?

Is it against the law to operate a device for eavesdropping?

Can an exhibit submitted with an application be referenced in a subsequent application filing, as opposed to being uploaded in the subsequent filing?

What are the FCC requirements for a product that was tested outside of the US and has a "CE" mark?

What are the labeling requirements for an implanted medical device?

What are the FCC rules for marketing of licensed transmitters prior to Certification. 

How can information included with a request for an equipment authorization be held confidential?

What measurement procedures should be used for Part 15 EMC compliance testing of intentional and unintentional radiators?

How do you determine ERP and EIRP Values for a RF Transmitting System?

What are the guidelines for providing a software operational description with an application for certification as required by Section 2.944 for a Software Defined Radio?

The topic previously addressed in this KDB Publication is now covered under KDB Publication 174176

The topic previously addressed in this KDB Publication is now covered under KDB Publication 641163.

The topic previously addressed in this KDB Publication is no longer applicable and has been removed from the published list.

The topic previously addressed in this KDB Publication is now covered on the FCC equipment authorization web-page. See:

The topic previously addressed in this KDB Publication is now covered under the procedures in ANSI C63.26.


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