The attached document 953436 D01 OET Laboratory Services API v03 provides details for the getFCCIDList API, the getWhitespaceAuthorizations API, getCBSDAuthorizations API and the getAFCAuthorizations API.
The getFCCIDList API allows an FCCID or partial FCCID to be entered and returns all approved FCCIDs that match the search criteria.
The getWhitespaceAuthorizations API allows a date range to be entered and returns a list of all devices approved with equipment classes associated with white space devices.
The getCBSDAuthorizations API allows a date range to be entered and returns a list of all devices approved with equipment classes associated with Citizens Broadband Service Devices.
The getAFCAuthorizations API. allows a date range to be entered and returns a list of all devices approved with equipment classes associated with UNII 6 GHz standard access points and fixed clients Devoces.