Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB)
Welcome to the OET Laboratory Division Knowledge Database (KDB). The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) publishes equipment authorization procedures and measurement guidance in the form of FCC Public Notices and Knowledge Database (KDB) publications. The staff guidance provided in the KDB is intended to assist the public in following Commission requirements and does not constitute rules. Accordingly, the guidance is not binding on the Commission and will not prevent the Commission from making a different decision in any matter that comes to its attention for resolution.
The Basic KDB Search is a full text search and the Advanced KDB Search allows for input of multiple search criteria. The KDB Publication Number search is a quick search for a specific publication. We hope that your visit is both timely and useful.
Basic KDB Search:Enter a text string in the field below. This search scans the Knowledge Database for any publications that include the text entered. Alternative search results can be obtained by using the syntax described by clicking here.
Advanced KDB Search: Search for publications that meet one or more identified criteria.
What are the procedures for getting an equipment authorization for Part 90 subpart M and Part 95 Subpart L devices using C-V2X systems for named entities under a waiver.
The Attachment, 511808 D01 C-V2X v02, below provides administrative and technical guidance to obtain a grant of certification for Part 90 subpart M or Part 95 Subpart L devices using C-V2X under Part 2 subpart J.02/24/2025: 511808 D01 C-V2X v02 replaces 5...
Recent Guidelines and Interpretations:
Posted on Apr 28 2009 3:02PM:
Updates will be forthcoming.
Important Notes:
Inquiry Responses and Publications: FCC staff publications and replies to inquiries from the KDB are based on one or more of the following criteria:
1. Responses that the FCC staff have given to prior inquiries.
2. Staff guidance of the Commission's rules and policies.
3. Prior staff practices
The KDB publications regarding measurement procedures constitute staff guidance only and do not necessarily represent the only acceptable methods for measuring RF emissions. Nor are these guidelines binding on the Commission or any interested party.