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Experimental Licensing System Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When filing an Assignment of License, it is required that the certification page of the 442 be submitted for each station affected by the assignment. How do I do this?

Answer:  A separate Form 442 certification is no longer necessary.

Question: When a graphics file is imbedded inside a Word 7 file, what should I call it? (i.e. does a scanned graphic pulled into Word 7 make it a *.jpg?) Are any valid formats Word recognizes valid for graphics?[ .bmp, .RTF, etc]

Answer: The file should be saved as a word document and specified as microsoft word in the file format portion of the Exhibits entry page.

Question: How are corrections made to the applicant's name for an existing license on the Form 405, 442 or STA applications?

Answer: In order to change the applicant's name, a letter must be filed with this office. Please ensure that the change in name does not warrent the filing of the Form 703 or 702.

Question: When I attempt to access the OET Experimental Licensing System Electronic Filing Site, I get the message "This page is only available with Netscape 4.03 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later browsers". Why can't I use my browser?

Answer: These forms require these browsers because they are taking advantage of features in newer technology that does not work properly in older browsers. These newer browsers are available free of charge by clicking on one of the links displayed on the form displaying this message. Please note that the Public Reporting Section of this site can be used with older browsers.

Question: Do I always have to access the OET Experimental Licensing Web Site in secure mode?

Answer: No. You can access this web site in Standard HTTP Protocol by selecting this url.


Last Reviewed/Updated on 07/17/2007

Please send any comments or suggestions for this site to ELB Systems and Support

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