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Filing Guidelines for Experimental Special Temporary Authorization

To provide applicants for experimental Special Temporary Authorization (STA) with the best possible service, we offer the following guidelines:

  1. STAs are intended for experiments that will last no longer than six months. Applicants intending to conduct experiments of longer duration should file for a regular experimental license using FCC Form 442.
  2. Applications for STAs are generally processed on a first come, first served basis along with regular applications and should be filed well in advance (at least 30-60 days, if possible) of the desired start day.
  3. In cases where such advance notice cannot be provided, including applications for emergency response systems or those related to national security issues, applicants should make every effort to file as well in advance as possible. If expedited processing is necessary, applicants must provide sufficient justification in accordance with Section 5.61 of the Commission rules.
    1. The Commission will evaluate such justification on a case by case basis to determine if expedited processing is warranted.
    2. Expedited processing does not bypass the normal application review process. All applications undergo review regarding the potential for an experiment to cause interference to both non-federal and federal systems. Depending on the desired bands of operation, coordination with NTIA may be necessary.

Application Status may be checked online from the The OET ELS Application Search Report. Application filing questions or ELS filing problems should be directed to elb@fcc.gov.

Proceed to STA Form


Last Reviewed/Updated on 04/16/2007

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