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Fee applications should be paid using the Form 159 at the time of filing to avoid fee system problems. Applicants should use the Return to 159 form link if needed. Applications not paid within 10 days of filing may need to be dismissed and refiled if there are any fee payment complications.
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Innovation Zones:
Information for the FCC Innovation Zones can be found at the following page: On the login page under the "Quick Search" section, click the link, "Innovation Zone Experiments"
STA FILERS: Please review these guidelines before completing an Application for Special Temporary Authority.
Forgot to pay for your application or need a copy of the FCC Form 159? Select the Return to 159 link on the menu. Please note that this feature is available only if your application is not in a final status.
Credit card payment over the Web is available. This can be used for any type of submission, and is the preferred method of payment for short-turnaround STAs.
Applications that are classified (CONFIDENTIAL OR SECRET) for National Security purposes
must be filed as follows:
File all unclassified data electronically as you would for any unclassified application. Submit an
electronic attachment stating that the classified portion of the application has been
submitted to the FCC's Security Operations Staff, in accordance with the instruction
below. You must submit at least one location, one frequency and one emission electronically to get the application on file. If any of this information is classified, enter something not classified in these fields and state in an exhibit that the data entered is only meant as a placeholder.
Submit the remaining portion of the application to: BrightKey, Federal Communications
Commission, ATTN: Security Office, Room 4.145, 9050 Junction Drive,
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701.