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Publication Number: 986446 Rule Parts:  Publication Date: 08/28/2024
Keyword: FCC 22-84, Covered Equipment, National Security Threats, Supply Chain, Covered List, telecommunications equipment, video surveillance equipment.

First Category: Covered Equipment
Second Category: Covered Equipment 2.903 and 2.911(d) requirements

Question:   The FCC recently adopted  FCC 22-84 [1] on Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain through the Equipment Authorization Program.  How does that affect the FCC equipment authorization process?

 [1] :  https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-amends-equipment-authorization-program

Answer:   The attachment  below, 986446 D01 Covered Equipment v03, provides staff-level equipment authorization guidance on how FCC 22-84 affects the equipment authorization process.
Attachment List:

986446 D01 Covered Equipment Guidance v03


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