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Publication Number: 996023 Rule Parts:  Publication Date: 04/05/2007
Keyword: US territories (insular areas), market rules

First Category: Administrative Requirements
Second Category: Marketin

Question:   If a device is authorized for marketing under any of the Commission's equipment authorization rules, may the device also be marketed and used in any of the territorial possessions of the United States; such as, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands?

Answer:   The Communications Act of 1934 gives the FCC jurisdiction over the use of communications frequencies throughout the United States, including its territories and possessions.  Generally, additional equipment authorization is not needed for systems approved for operation in the United States to be used in the insular areas. The particular use of a specified frequency must not however conflict with the International Table of Frequency Allocations for Region 2 (the Americas) or Region 3 (the Pacific, including Guam), or with the National Table of Frequency Allocations that are administered by the Commission.  Therefore, when a device receives an equipment authorization in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 Subpart J of the FCC's rule, it may be marketed and used throughout the United States and its insular areas without further Commission equipment authorization.


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