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Publication Number: 935210 Rule Parts: 22 Publication Date: 04/03/2020
Keyword: Signal Booster; Amplifier

First Category: Licensed Service Rules and Procedures
Second Category: Other (lic)

Question:   What is the Commission guidance for the evaluation of Signal Boosters?


A regulatory framework for signal boosters was established and has been updated in FCC rulemaking docket no. 10-4 (e.g., FCC 13-21, FCC 14-138, FCC 18-35), also including the Network Protection Standard that specifies the technical and operational requirements necessary to minimize the potential for interference from consumer signal boosters to wireless networks. These requirements are codified in Sections 20.21 and 90.219.

The attachment 935210 D02 Certification Requirements summarizes the certification requirements and associated parameters and definitions for consumer and industrial signal boosters that operate under Parts 20, 22, 24, 27, and 90 of the FCC rules, and other rule parts where indicated.
The attachment 935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements provides guidance for demonstrating compliance to the various requirements for Wideband Consumer Signal Boosters as specified in Section 20.21(e)(8), Consumer Signal Booster Network Protection Standard Technical Requirements and Interference Safeguards.

The attachment 935210 D04 Provider-Specific Booster Measurements provides guidance for demonstrating compliance to the various requirements for Provider-Specific Consumer Signal Boosters as specified in Section 20.21(e)(9), Consumer Signal Booster Network Protection Standard Technical Requirements and Interference Safeguards.

The attachment 935210 D05 Indus Booster Basic Meas provides guidance for demonstrating compliance to the various requirements for Industrial Signal Boosters. The attachments 935210 D05 and 935210 D02 also include basic guidance for signal amplifiers used in CMRS and PLMRS.

Note: The previous attachment 935210 D01 has been expired and the content has been incorporated in 935210 D02.

Attachment List:

935210 D02 Signal Booster Certification v04r02
935210 D03 Signal Booster Measurements v04r04
935210 D04 Signal Booster Provider Specific v02r04
935210 D05 Indus Booster Basic Meas v01r04


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