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Publication Number: 294083 Rule Parts: 22, 24, 74, 90, 101 Publication Date: 03/23/2007
Keyword: Certification Requirements for a multi-channel power amplifier (MCPA)

First Category: Radio Service Rules
Second Category:

Question:   What are the certification requirements for a multi-channel power amplifier (MCPA)?

Answer:   A multi-channel power amplifier (MCPA) may operate under Parts 22, 24, 74, and 101 of the FCC Rules.  The output level from a MCPA is dependent on the level of the input drive signal.  The output power value listed on a Grant of Certification is the maximum output power capability of the MCPA, whether per channel or composite.  An applicant may request that a comment relating this information be placed on the Grant of Certification.  For units already granted, this can be done by filing a Class II permissive change request, pursuant to 47 CFR 2.1043.  No measurement data are required for this filing, unless re-tuning / adjustment to the amplifier is required to achieve the lower output power level.  Measurement data for operation at the new / additional lower output power level is required in the Class II permissive change filing. 


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