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Office of Engineering and Technology


Publication Number: 628591 Rule Parts:  Publication Date: 06/12/2015
Keyword: TCB Exclusion Lists

First Category: Administrative Procedure
Second Category: TCB Procedures [Administrative Procedure]

Question:   What equipment cannot be certified by a Telecommunications Certification Body?


On December 17, 2014 the Commission adopted a Report and Order (FCC 14-208), which was released on December 30, 2014, as part of an ongoing review and update of the Commission's radiofrequency (RF) equipment authorization program. As part of this review the Commission adopted rules to allow TCB's to issue grants of equipment Certification for all types of equipment, and to discontinue OET's acceptance and granting of applications for equipment Certification.

The Report and Order FCC 14-208 was published in the Federal Register on June 12, 2015. Consequently, as of July 13, 2015, the OET Laboratory will no longer accept applications for Certification of RF equipment for the FCC to issue the grant of Certification and instead require TCBs to process and grant all applications for Certification.



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