Answer: The following attachments
provide guidance for obtaining Certification for devices operating in the
5.850-5.895 GHz band under Part 15, Subpart E: 291074 D01 General
Requirements. Form 731 and supporting information
291074 D02 EMC Measurement. Test report
exhibits and RF Measurement Procedures for demonstrating: EIRP, Bandwidth, and
Out of Band Emissions, as applicable to 5.9 GHz devices.
291074 D03 Q&A General Questions and
Answers. 291074 D04 UN5GHZ Checklist v01. D04 is a PAG checklist for TCBs when UN5GHZ is listed in
Publication 388624 D02 Pre-Approval Guidance List as a PAG item. If UN5GHZ is
delisted in 388624 D02 then D04 can be used as a general guide for key requirements. |