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There have been 2 comment(s) made on this document:
  • David Case commented on 2014-01-10 16:07:21.863:
    1) In regards to the 5GHz spectrum chart, there is an error. The bands between 5600- 5650MHz are listed as prohibited bands. This is incorrect. It is true that currently because of the ongoing TDWR issue, 802.11 devices cannot operate on that channel, and however the issue of TDWR interference and future use of these channels is being addressed under FCC NPRM on 5GHz. Further though a master device must lock out those channels, a client card may still scan across those channels as long as they do not initiate a transmission without being under control of a master device. Given that the issue of non-operation is being addressed under a FCC NPRM and given that the current restriction is based on a FCC KDB that could be changed upon solution to the TDWR issue, Cisco recommends that a clarifying note be added that the operation on these channels is restricted at this time in accordance with KDB 443999-2 to avoid the appearance that the band is permanently closed. 2) Correction on slide #7. It should read Operation on channels 12 and 13 may require lower power to comply with Out of band emissions. Some clients operate at lower power across the spectrum so the TX levels could be the same. Some devices may use very tight filtering to restrict OOBE. As such the FCC should not imply that lower power is the only solution or that bands 12 and 13 will be lower. therefore depending on TX power the channels may need to be checked . 3> Cisco agrees with the issues raised in the filing by Katlin O in regards to clarification needed on a number of points in the document . 4) As previously discussed with FCC, we suggest that a separate KDB be developed for Beam forming / MiMo. Further discssion is needed on this in a separte document as the actual highest gain realized in regards to beam forming may not occur directly next to anyone antenna.

  • Kaitlin O commented on 2014-01-10 14:39:53.063:
    Please find attached marked up document with comments for relevant sections for the new WIFI test proposal. Thank you. View attachment associated with this comment

Note: It is important to understand that the staff guidance provided in the KDB is intended to assist the public in following Commission requirements and does not constitute rules. Accordingly, the guidance is not binding on the Commission and will not prevent the Commission from making a different decision in any matter that comes to its attention for resolution.