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There have been 2 comment(s) made on this document:
  • Shigeru Iwasaki commented on 2013-05-16 12:53:39.746:
    Please specify a transition period for the products already under developing by manufacturers before April 8, 2013. We request a transition period so we can prepare for the new requirements from the new SAR testing requirements at 0mm 10g. Thank you

  • Rene Charton commented on 2013-04-16 21:36:13.88:
    On page 1, near the bottom it says: Thus, for example, the use of modes “A1”, … “A14”, or “B1” or … “B5” etc. have to be clearly specified. Actually, “A1”, … “A14”, or “B1” or … “B5” refers to the design specifications of the Power Transmitter covered by KDB680106. Therefore, this requirement should be moved to the appropriate section of KDB680106. This "KDB648474 D03 Handset Wireless Battery Chargers" specificially deals with the Power Receiving Client Devices. It is a WPC standard requirement that the Power Receiving Client Devices can work with any kind of Power Transmitters, no matter what kind of “A1”, … “A14”, or “B1” or … “B5” design they use. The idea is that any WPC phone can be recharged at a publicly available WPC compliant charging station (Restaurant, Train, e.t.c.) -------------------- Can you move this sentence from KDB648474 to KDB680106 ? Kind regards Rene Charton

Note: It is important to understand that the staff guidance provided in the KDB is intended to assist the public in following Commission requirements and does not constitute rules. Accordingly, the guidance is not binding on the Commission and will not prevent the Commission from making a different decision in any matter that comes to its attention for resolution.