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There have been 1 comment(s) made on this document:
  • Mark Luksich commented on 2011-05-04 12:02:58.936:
    The answer listed in 594280 D01 is not consistent with the FCC's rules, further it is not consistent with the attached document 594280 D01 Software Configuration Control v01; the current answer is incomplete at best. Answer: No, unless the device is approved as Software Defined Radio or has received specific FCC approval. A professional installer setting the transmitter power and disabling channels to mitigate interference is not modifying the software. The software remains unchanged and unmodified after such settings are made. It is the responsibility of the Grantee to limit the scope of the changes / settings available to the professional installer so that the device operates under the terms and conditions of the grant. Additionally the Grantee is responsible for any new version of code released continues to operate under the terms and conditions of the grant.

Note: It is important to understand that the staff guidance provided in the KDB is intended to assist the public in following Commission requirements and does not constitute rules. Accordingly, the guidance is not binding on the Commission and will not prevent the Commission from making a different decision in any matter that comes to its attention for resolution.