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Publication Number: 852803 Rule Parts:  Publication Date: 04/09/2007
Keyword: Section 15.117, FCC 05-190, TV Broadcast Receivers, Repackaged in a new enclosure

First Category: Radio Service Rules
Second Category: Part 15 Unintentional Radiators

Question:   Is a company required to do additional testing of previously tested, labeled and FCC approved televisions they purchase, and then re-package in new packaging for re-sale?

Yes, a new equipment package requires new equipment authorization. This will require new tests, test reports and labeling as stated in Part 2 Subpart J. The company making the changes becomes the responsible party - for the new product as changed. Only, minor labeling (e.g., non-electrical, non-metallic) changes are permitted without new testing as long as the original manufacturerÂ’s labeling and model number identification are not changed.
Also note that if the re-packaged product is shipped in interstate commerce, the rules in effect at the time of that shipment apply, even if those rules were not in effect at time of initial manufacture. For example, Section 15.117(i) requires that TV broadcast receivers must include DTV tuners beginning July 1, 2005 for screen sizes 36 inches and larger, March 1, 2006 for screen sizes 25 inches to less than 36 inches, and March 1, 2007 for screen sizes less than 25 inches. The reseller of the re-packaged unit is held responsible for ensuring shipped units meet these standards.


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