Please explain in the area below why an STA is necessary:
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is an independent, nonprofit organization that conducts research, development, and demonstration projects for the benefit of the public with a focus on electricity generation, delivery, and use in collaboration with the electricity sector.
A current project, “INL 6 GHz AFC Security CESER” requires testing unlicensed 6 GHz standard power devices in the vicinity of Part 101 fixed service (FS) microwave receivers. FS microwave systems are widely used by the electric utility and other critical infrastructure industries. The ultimate objective of the testing is to determine the effectiveness of AFC systems in preventing harmful interference to FS microwave.
Operation of standard power, AFC controlled AP’s and clients does not require an STA. However, the test plans also include LPI AP operation outdoors and co-channel with an incumbent fixed service link to investigate their potential for harmful interference to FS systems. FCC Part-15 prohibits outdoor operation of LPI devices; therefore to accomplish this portion of the testing an STA is required. This LPI testing is a follow-up to previously conducted EPRI investigation of aggregate interference. Results of this previous work was reported under docket ET 18-295. See
Both the standard power and LPI testing is being coordinated with the FS system owner and operation of the LPI devices will be restricted to co-channel operation with this station. Due to distance, there should be no risk of interference to other Part 101 coordinated FS stations in the region.