Applicant Name
Name of Applicant:  Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation

Attention: DS LAW PLLC
Street Address: 1629 K St NW Ste 300
P.O. Box:
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip Code: 20006-1631
E-Mail Address: david@davidsiddall-law.com

Best Contact
Give the following information of person who can best handle inquiries pertaining to this application:  
Last Name: Siddall
First Name: David
Title: outside counsel
Phone Number: 202-559-4690

Please explain in the area below why an STA is necessary:
An STA is necessary to test product and ensure proper functioning before delivery to the customer pursuant to U.S. Government contract no. W15QKN249X018, POC Mark Scheper, 973-420-8261. STOP BUZZER: Nick Buchal 612-297-9446

Purpose of Operation
Please explain the purpose of operation:  The purpose of this operation is to conduct post-manufacturing tests to validate the functionality of equipment pursuant to the requirements of a U.S. Government contract. The testing is brief and only to demonstrate operational functionality.

Class of Station: MO
Nature of Service: Experimental

Requested Period of Operation
Operation Start Date: 12/14/2023
Operation End Date: 06/14/2024

List below transmitting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so state) if additional rows are required, please submit equipment list as an exhibit:  
Manufacturer Model Number No. Of Units Experimental
Silvus Technologies SC4480-235467 1 No
SRC R1400 1 No
EchoDyne 700-0005-003SSR 1 No

Neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. The applicant hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the prvious use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests authorization in accordance with this application. (See Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.) The applicant acknowledges that all statements made in this application and attached exhibits are considered material representations, and that all the exhibits part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application; undersigned certifies that all statements in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. Applicant certifies that construction of the station would NOT be an action which is likely to have a significant environmental effect. See the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR1.1301-1.1319.
Signature of Applicant (Authorized person filing form): Nick Buchal
Title of Applicant (if any): Principal Systems Test Engineer
Date: 2023-11-27 00:00:00.0

Station Location
City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Radius of Operation
Mooresville North Carolina North  35  35  29 West  80  51  55 10 km Radius 10.00
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:   Yes
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:  
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:  
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:  
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 9.30000000-9.80000000 GHz MO 250.000000 W 501.000000 kW M 5M00Q3N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 24.45000000-24.65000000 GHz MO 3.200000 W 246.000000 W M 45M0F3N linear FM
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 4410.00000000- MHz MO N/A 8.000000 W M 5M65D7W OFDM digital