Please explain in the area below why an STA is necessary:
Flight STA for Falcon Launch Vehicle, including suborbital first stage and LEO second stage. Tracking, telemetry, and video downlinks. Launch site is Cape Canaveral. Target Launch Date is (NET) 03/01/2013, with 03/02/2013 and 03/10/2013 reserved as alternate Launch Dates. The critical go/no go is Launch Readines Review (LRR), two days prior to Launch Date. Additional time needed prior to LRR (min. 24-72 hrs, pref. 1 wk prior to LLR), to coordinate STA with Launch Range. Thus, assuming target Launch Date of 03/01/2013, critical grant date for STA is 02/26/2013, with desired grant date sometime prior to 02/23/2013.