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OET Accredited Test firm scope List
Test Firm: F2 Labs

Scope FCC Rule Parts Maximum Assessed Frequency in Mhz Status Expiration Date Recognition Date
Unintentional Radiators FCC Part15, Subpart B 40000.00 Approved 11-20-2025 07-06-2017
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment FCC Part 18 40000.00 Approved 11-20-2025 07-06-2017
Intentional Radiators FCC Part 15 Subpart C 40000.00 Approved 11-20-2025 07-06-2017
U-NII without DFS Intentional Radiators FCC Part 15, Subpart E 40000.00 Approved 11-20-2025 01-09-2020


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