Office of Engineering and Technology

OET Exhibits Summary List

21 Matches found for FCC ID NOIKBN506

Exhibit Type File Type File Size Description Submission Date Permanent
Supercede Date Available
Block Diagram Adobe Acrobat PDF 252969 Block Diagram 06/03/2022 Yes No No
Cover Letter(s) Adobe Acrobat PDF 56543 Channel Declaration 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Cover Letter(s) Adobe Acrobat PDF 216135 e-Label Declaration 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Cover Letter(s) Adobe Acrobat PDF 84804 Agent Authorization Letter 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Cover Letter(s) Adobe Acrobat PDF 217891 Confidentiality Request Letter 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
External Photos Adobe Acrobat PDF 810405 External Photos 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022
ID Label/Location Info Adobe Acrobat PDF 668611 Label Info 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Internal Photos Adobe Acrobat PDF 2132683 Internal Photos 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022
Operational Description Adobe Acrobat PDF 128244 Operational Description 06/03/2022 Yes No No
RF Exposure Info Adobe Acrobat PDF 1075334 SAR Test Report-2 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
RF Exposure Info Adobe Acrobat PDF 1336674 SAR Test Report-1 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
RF Exposure Info Adobe Acrobat PDF 5491903 SAR Test Report-4 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
RF Exposure Info Adobe Acrobat PDF 5867083 SAR Test Report-3 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Schematics Adobe Acrobat PDF 1082775 Schematics 06/03/2022 Yes No No
Test Report Adobe Acrobat PDF 1907513 RF Test Report (DTS-WLAN) 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Test Report Adobe Acrobat PDF 1510085 RF Test Report (DTS-BT LE) 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Test Report Adobe Acrobat PDF 1116592 RF Test report (Transmit Simultaneously) 06/03/2022 No No No 06/06/2022
Test Setup Photos Adobe Acrobat PDF 429754 Test Setup Photos (RF) 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022
Test Setup Photos Adobe Acrobat PDF 906972 Test Setup Photos (SAR) 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022
Users Manual Adobe Acrobat PDF 402835 Users Manual 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022
Users Manual Adobe Acrobat PDF 868978 Users Manual (Statement) 06/03/2022 No No No 11/30/2022


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