Office of Engineering and Technology

OET Exhibits List

13 Matches found for FCC ID TLZ-NU138

View Attachment Exhibit Type Date Submitted to FCC Display Type Date Available
Attestation Statement Ad Hoc Declaration Attestation Statements 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Confidentiality Request Cover Letter(s) 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Cover Letter Agent Authorization Cover Letter(s) 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
External Photos External Photos 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Label and Location ID Label/Location Info 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Internal Photos Internal Photos 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Operational Description Operational Description 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
RF Exposure Info 1 RF Exposure Info 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
RF Exposure Info 2 RF Exposure Info 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
RF Exposure Info 3 RF Exposure Info 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Test Report Test Report 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
Test Setup Photos Test Setup Photos 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010
User Manual Users Manual 11/15/2010 pdf 11/15/2010


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