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The amended Transmittal #40 issued by AT&T CORP.and bearing TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 2, that was filed on July 21, 2015 along with the appropriate tariff pages were filed through error and should respectfully be ignored.
Date Filed: July 22, 2015 10:48 AM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Amended Transmittal Letter
This amended Transmittal Letter #40 replaces the original Transmittal Letter and its supporting tariff pages that were originally filed on 7/16/15 in connection with revisions to Switched Access rates in AT&T Corp.'s FCC Tariff No. 2.
Date Filed: July 21, 2015 11:25 AM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Amended Transmittal Letter
These amended tariff pages replace the original tariff pages that were filed on 7/16/15 under Transmittal #40 and in connection with revisions to AT&T's Switched Access rates.
Date Filed: July 21, 2015 11:25 AM
Filing Type: Amended Transmittal
Document Type: Other