PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.w. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 5421 News media infonnation 202/254·7674. Recorded listing of relasses and texts 202/632·0002. June 26, 1985 FM. AM and TV Certification of Site Ayailability l;n Docket 84-750 released on May 6, 1985, all Commercial FM, AM and TV applicants were required to certify that they have reasonable assurance of site availability and submit information concerning the person contacted in order to obtain this reasonable assurance. The attached form has been approved for such purpose and should be submitted with Form 301 whenever a new facility or change in location for an exi.sting station is proposed. Future versions of Form 301 will include this change, but until such time as the form is revised, the attached must be used to provide this information. (Further copies of "Certification of Site Availability" are available in the Field Offices and also in FCC, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20554, Room B-I0.) - FCC - Approved by OME OMB No. 3060-0(; Expires 5-31-88 CERTIFICATION OF SITE AVAILABILITY 1. The applicant certifies that it has reasonable assursnce in~ood faith that the site or structure proposed in Items 1 and/or 2, Section V-G, FCC Form 301, as the location of its transmitting antenna, will he availsble to the applicant for applicant's intended purpose. If no, explain fully: YES __ NO __ 2. If reasonable assurance 1.s not bssed on applicant's """ership of the proposed site or structure, applicant certifies that it has obtained such reasonable assurance by contacti11!l the owner or person possessing control of the site or structure. Name of. Person Contacted Person contacted(~hedkone): (----,:)-=--~--,:-:-.,----­ Telephone Number Owner _ Owner's~ent ---- Other (s pecify) Applicant's Si!lnatllre Date