COLLEEN HANABUSA 1ST DISTRICT, HAWAII 422 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 TELEPHONE: 202-225-2726 FAX: 202-225-0688 1132 BISHOP STREET, SUITE 191 0 HONOLULU, HI 96813 TELEPHONE: 808-541-2570 cteongress of tbe Wntteb ~tates ~ouse of l\epresentatibes wmasbtngton. 1!HIC 20515-1101 June 20, 2017 Receiveli & In d The Honorable Ajit Pai, Chairman JUN 2 7 2017 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20540 FCC Ma1l Room Re: Telephone Service to the Hawaiian Home Lands Dear Chairman Pai: COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ARMED SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEES: SEAPOWEA AND PROJECTION FORCES STRATEGIC FORCES COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEES: FEDERAL lANDS, RANKING MEMBER INDIAN, INSULAR AND ALASKA NATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMfTTEE: ENVIRONMENT STEERING AND POLICY COMMITTEE I am writing to express concerns regarding native Hawaiians who reside on Hawaiian Home Lands in the First Congressional District, which I represent, and across the State of Hawaii in seventy (70) noncontiguous communities spread over 200,000 acres on six (6) islands. Many of these communities are rural, if not remote, making effective and efficient communications vital to the safety, well-being and economic security of the native Hawaiians who reside on these lands. My principal concern regards the viability of the telephone and broadband network that serves these communities. I also support the continued extension of service to currently unserved areas of future homesteaders. This critical communications network cannot survive and expand without Universal Service Fund ("USF") support payments, funds in furtherance of the principle that all Americans should have access to communications services. To assist me in evaluating the criticality of the current situation, can you please have your staff provide me responses to the following: 1. To my understanding, in July 2015, pending conclusion of its investigation, the FCC ordered the Universal Services Administrative Company ("USAC") to suspend USF support payments to Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. (SIC), the entity that maintains and operates the telephone and broadband network. What USF funds have been paid to SIC in the nearly two (2) years since the suspension of payments by USAC? PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 2. To my understanding, SIC was certified by the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") as an Eligible Telecommunications Company ("ETC") at the time USF funds were suspended in 2015 and they remain eligible for the receipt of 2015 funds. If this is incorrect, please advise. 3. Following the suspension ofUSF funds in 2015, what is the total amount ofUSF funds withheld from SIC in calendar year 2015? 4. Since the date USF funds were suspended to SIC, has the FCC recalculated the amount of USF funds that would be due to SIC to maintain and operate the telephone and broadband network for calendar year 20 15? 5. Has the FCC undertaken an economic analysis to determine what effect, if any, the suspension ofUFC funds to SIC may have upon the continued provision of communications service to native Hawaiians residing on Hawaiian Home Lands? In closing, I reiterate my concern that native Hawaiians continue to receive uninterrupted telephone and broadband network services and, as such, I would appreciate your earliest response to the above questions. Sincerely,