315 C!tnngr£IlS of Up! 1llniteb i'tate.s llma.slrinyton, IDQI: 20515 The Honorable Ajit Pai Chainnan Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St SW Washington, DC 20554-0004 Dear Chainnan Pai: April17, 2017 We applaud your pledge to make April " infi·astmcture month" at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and we welcome your efforts to identify and eliminate unnecessary mles and regulations and modernize our Nation's telecommunication networks. As you are set to vote on your draft order for Business Data Services (BDS), we write to express our supp01t for a reasonable transition period in implementing these new mles to allow all market participants the opportunity to evaluate and adapt to the implications of BDS deregulation in order to minimize potential dismptions and unintended consequences to small businesses in America. A transition period would create a window where all market patticipants could plan for price increases or the purchase of intemet protocol (IP)-enabled equipment, shop for altemative service atTangements, and even solicit build-out proposals from potential market entrants. A reasonable transition would also enable service providers to adapt and remain viable in more markets than will occur in the event of a flash cut to new policies. Fmther, as we understand, the draft order seeks to accelerate investment in IP technologies and transition more customers to IP services and notes that future developments, such as the onset of 5G wireless deployments in 2020, may serve to hold prices in check despite the highly concentrated ownership ofBDS facilities. A transition period would allow additional time for these changes to play out and allow providers time to adjust their business models and educate consumers about the coming changes, including the possibility of price hikes, tennination of service, and migration to altemate technologies. For these reasons, we respectfully request that you give full and fair consideration to the adoption of a reasonable transition pe1iod when implementing this order. Thank you for your consideration of our request, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concems. We look forward to working with you on improving our Nation's telecommunications networks. Sincerely, PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Tom Cotton U.S. Senator CJ.a~ Member of Congress