SHEILA JACKSON LEE !8rn DIS1RJCT, TEXAS WASHINGTON OFFICE: 2252 Rayburn Office Building Washington. DC 20515 (202) 225-3816 ~ongress of tbe mlniteb ~tates J!)ouse of 3L\epresentatibes Wa~bington, 119<.!t 20515 DISTRICT OFFICE: 1919 Smith Street. Suite 1180 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 655-0050 ACRES HO:tv1E omcE: 6719 West Montgome1y. Suire 204 Houston, TX 77091 (713) 691-4882 HEIGHTS OFFICE: 420 West 19th Street Houston, TX 77008 (713) 861-4070 FIFTH WARD OFFICE 4300 Lyons Ave., Suite 200 Houston, TX 77020 (713) 227-7740 The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman November 12, 2015 Federal Communications Commission 445 lih Street, SW Washington, DC 20554-0004 Dear Chairman Wheeler: COMMITTEES: JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEES: Raukiu2 Member Crime. Te1rnrisru. Homeland Security and Investigations Immigration and Border Secmity HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEES: Cybersecmiry. Jnfrasrmcnire Prorection. and Security Technologies Border and Maiitime Secrnity SENIOR WHIP DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Innovations in technology are increasing customer access to free television programing that provide more choice, better content and new services which are transforming the consumer experience with video content. Consumers have complained about why they need a set-top box to watch their favorite programming and I have advocated that television broadcast providers and networks produce and carry the kind of diverse programming that represents all of America. Positive steps have been made and we have been moving toward a vast unencumbered television market on a new level of access that supports a spectrum of program offerings that are in the public interest. These new arrivals are creating app options that were not conceived of before and that support television content streaming over smartphones, computers, ibooks and other mobile technology. 1209 The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission November 12, 2015 Page 2 I am concerned by reports that the FCC is considering a new regulation called All Vid that would jeopardize progress made in providing nearly universal access to no cost broadcast television, raise consumer costs, require consumers to rent another set-top box, threaten diverse programming and erode consumer protections. This would be a disaster for consumers and minority programmers. Instead of allowing innovators and competitors unfettered ability to continue building on the TV app frontier, All Vid would require consumers to add a government-designed set-top box, resulting in higher bills and higher energy usage. And even worse, while requiring consumers to rent more equipment, it would eliminate consumer protections concerning privacy, emergency alerts, children's programming and more. Consumers would pay more and be protected less. All Vid may cause irreparable harm to independent and minority programmers by allowing third parties to strip programming from visible channel placements and relegate it to the bottom of the pile. These new entrants would also be allowed to sell intrusive advertising without sharing any revenue with programmers, cutting off the needed revenue to continue producing the diverse quality content that a dynamic video content market has come to expect. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to working with you to ensure that consumer welfare and diversity of voices are not the casualties of an unnecessary tech mandate like All Vid. If you have questions, please contact my Chief of Staff, Glenn Rushing at 202-225-3816 or by email ~~?- Sheila Jackson Lee MEMBER OF CONGRESS