Page 1 of 2 Attachment G Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions 1,0 Whether there was a carriage disruption for this MVPD in this distribution zone at any time during the month (1) or not (0) "RSN Data" Table The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. A date Text - YYYY_MM 2014_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected Column E mvpd_subs Integer 4432 Total number of subscribers to the MVPD in the distribution zone at the end of the month G J nocarriage_period Integer H total_license_fees Float Name of each top 25 MVPD with subscribers in any distribution zone of the RSN (Use "Other MVPDs" for MVPDs outside top 25; "All MVPDs" for the overall totals for all MVPDs). Provider 1, Other MVPDs, All MVPDs Textmvpd 4.55 Monthly contracted per-subscriber license fee to the MVPD for the RSN in this distribution zone for this month (-1 if MVPD does not have a contract allowing it to carry the RSN in this distribution zone) Note: for “All MVPDs,” “All Other MVPDs” and “All Zones” report the average license fee weighted by the number of RSN subs. per_sub_fee Float D For each month beginning January 2014 and extending through August 2015, for each RSN in which the Company, or an officer, director or executive of the Company holds an Attributable Interest or distribution right, and for each MVPD within any in market distribution zone of the RSN (regardless of RSN carriage), please provide the data by month and distribution zone and for all distribution zones as a whole, as shown in the table below. Data should be reported separately for each MVPD in the top 25 by national subscriber counts as of August 2015, for a single category for the total for MPVDs outside the top 25 and an overall category with totals for all MVPDs. C distribution_zone Text Zone 1, All Zones Distribution zone of the RSN (Use “All Zones” to report totals across all zones). DescriptionVariable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries B rsn_name Text RSN 1 Name of the RSN in which the Company, or an officer, director, or executive of the Company, holds an Attributable Interest or distribution rights 123544.55 Total monthly license fee payments by MVPD for the RSN in this distribution zone I arbitration_period Integer 1,0 Whether the MVPD was engaged in arbitration for this RSN at any time during the month (1) or not (0) F mvpd_rsn_subs Integer 2432 Total number of the MVPD's subscribers that have the RSN in the distribution zone at the end of the month Page 2 of 2 date rsn_name distribution_zone mvpd mvpd_subs mvpd_rsn_subs per_sub_fee total_license_fees arbitration_period nocarriage_period 2014_01 RSN 1 Zone 1 Provider 1 3504 2432 2.25 123544.55 0 0 2014_02 RSN 1 Zone 1 Provider 1 3504 2432 2.25 123544.55 0 0 2014_01 RSN 1 Zone 1 Provider 2 4494 0 -1 0 1 0 2014_02 RSN 1 Zone 1 Provider 2 4494 3004 1.34 56897.44 0 0 RSN Data Template Attachment G: Template for "RSN Data" Table Notes: Columns A through J define unique records in this data. For each month beginning January 2014 and extending through August 2015, and for each RSN and separately for each MVPD within the distribution of each RSN, please provide the distribution data by distribution zone requested in the table below.