Nov, 20. 2012 12:02PM KENNY MARCHANT 24TH DIS'(AIC,. TEXAS COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE ON SELEC, ReveNue MR/lSU"ES SUS COMMITTEE ON OVEASIGHY ~ongres'5 of tue itniteb ~tatts' ~OUgt of l\epresmtatlbes .lu~bington, 1DQI: 20515-4324 No, 0209 P. 2 WASHINGrON OffiCE: 1110 LONGwOA'(11 HauSE OFfiCE BUILDING WASHINGTON. DC 20616 (202)225-6606 DISTRICT OFFICE: 9001 EAST VALLEY AANC'" PARKWAY SUITE 3035 JAiliNG. TX 76063 (972) 666-0182 SUBCOMMITTEe ON SOCIAL SECURIW November 20, 2012 The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street) SW Washington) DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to you regarding CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51; DA 12- 1644) Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; Structure and Practices ofthe Video Relay Service Program. I appreciate effOlts by the FCC to reduce waste) fraud, and abuse in programs under the purview of the commission, As the FCC reviews these docket numbers, I respectfully ask that, in the process of implementing any potential changes, those who depend upon videQ captioning not be adversely affected. The Video Relay Service (VRS) is often the only form ofcommunication for many hearing impaired Americans. Allowing for fair competition of choice and easy-to-use access by the end users of this service should be maintained. I would appreciate the FCC working with the deaf and hearing impaired community before any VRS changes are made. It is important that we do not potentially disrupt the video captioning service for those that depend upon it and not stifle future innovation. Thank you for your review of this letter. Should you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to contact me, or my Legislative Director, Scott CUffi1ingham, at 202_225_6605 or,gov, PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Fcc. Nov. 20. 2012 12:02PM !':': " • < < i ..... : !. '," To: CC: Fax: No. 0209 P. 1 Fax Cover Sheet Date: 2{)- ).hv-~ LtUjl---=--A--:..K~;(--:;;;..5__ _2-:=...-__(including cover sheet) U.S. Representative (TX-24) < Chief of Staff legislative Director Communications Director Senior Policy Adviser legislative Correspondent legislative Correspondent Staff Assistant Subject: Pages: from: __.............-:_Kenny Mar~hant, Brian Thomas, Scott Cunninghamr Ryan MOYr James Williams, John Deoudes, Robert Vega, Shane McDonaldrOther: _ Comments: