FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Joe Baca U.S. I-louse of Representatives 2366 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Baca: Thank you for your Ictter cncouraging thc Commission to postponc implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your supp0l1 for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in thc Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc notcd, thc Commi sion has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in thc Lifeline R~form Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifclinc-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requiremcnt as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a numbcr of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continucs its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband lor all Americans. Please let me kno\\ if I can be of any furthcr assistance. Sinccrely, Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8·1 000 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 The Honorable George K. Butterfield U.. House of Representatives 2305 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Butterfield: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implcmcntation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commis ion's efforts to eliminate the waste and abusc in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has madc some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~for/l'l Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abusc with thc potential additional burdcn on certain consumcrs to obtain a Lifelinc-supportcd scrvice. After careful considcration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility ccrtification rcquircment as an intcrim stcp to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc dcvclopcd a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improvcd accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to includc broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit fi'om the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advancc acccss to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 r 2lH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418- r 000 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 The Honorable Russ Carnahan U. . House of Representatives 1710 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Carnahan: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your leller will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~rorm Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me kno,"" if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. - Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-, 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable William Lacy Clay U.S. I-louse of Representatives 2418 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Clay: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record (or Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline RefOrm Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork (or modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a trong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its cfforts to advancc acccs to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings U.S. House of Rcpresentatives 2235 Rayburn I-louse Office Building Washington, D. . 20515 Dear Congressman Cummings: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline cligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminatc the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc noted. the Commission has made some tough choiccs in rcforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~rorm Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abusc with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifclinc-supported service. After carcful considcration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify thc eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developcd a number of innovative solutions to ensurc compliance with the requircmcnt while minimizing consumer burdcn. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from thc improvcd accountability among other things. arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modcrnizing the Lifeline program to includc broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-incomc Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as thc Commission continues its efforts to advancc access to telecommunications and broadband for all Amcricans. Plcase let me know if I can be of any further assistance. incerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15, 2012 The Honorable Ted Deutch U.S. House of Representatives 1024 Longworth House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Deutch: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility cel1ification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reforlll Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps arc also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its effol1s to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me kno,", if [ can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, ulius Genachowski 445 12lH 5TREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Keith Ellison .. House of Representatives 1027 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Ellison: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commis ion's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be ineluded in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have nored. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the LiFeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim stcp to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please Ict me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHQWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Raul M. Grijalva U.S. Housc of Representatives 1511 Longworth I louse Orlice Building Washington, D. . 20515 Dear Congressman Grijalva: Thank you for your leiter encouraging thc Commission to postponc implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility ccrtilication rcquirements. I value your views and apprcciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your lettcr will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding rccord for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made somc tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~form Order, the Commission balanced the urgcnt need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certilication requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipient while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providcrs have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance" ith the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while ~ national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability ~mong other things, arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benclit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerel) , Julius Genaehowski 445 12lH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Luis Gutierrez U.S. House of Representatives 2266 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 205 J5 Dear Congressman Gutierrez: Thank you for your lctter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming thc Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~/iJrnl Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providcrs have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things, are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps arc also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION .June 15. 2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Alcee L. Hastings U.S. House of Representatives 2353 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Ilastings: Thank you for your leller cncouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will bc included inthc Lifcline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc noted, the Commission has madc somc tough choiccs in rcforming thc Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~forll1 Order, the Commission balanced the urgcnt nced to stem wastc and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Li fel ine program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Pleasc let me know if I ean be of any further assistance. .Julius Gcnachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15, 2012 The Honorablc Ruben Hinojosa U.S. I-Iousc of Representatives 2262 Rayburn House Officc Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dcar Congressman Hinojosa: Thank you for your leiter encouraging thc Commission to postpone implcmentation of the new Lifeline eligibility cel1ification requirements. I value your vicws and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your leiter will be includcd in thc Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, thc Commission has made some tough choices in reforming thc Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stcm waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifelinc-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requircment as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipicnts while it transitions to a national eligibility databasc. Providers have sincc dcveloped a number of innovativc solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which wc agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twcnty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation lor a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its cfforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Amcricans. Please let me know if I can be of any furthcr assistance. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREETS.W. WASHINGTON, D,C, 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Junc 15, 2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Larry Kissell U.S. House of Representativcs 1632 Longworth I louse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Kissell: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postponc implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abusc in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifcline reform proceeding record lor Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stcm waste and abusc with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After carcful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to vcrify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developcd a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliancc with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifclinc program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Amcricans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our stcps are also ensuring a strong loundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 ..JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Barbara Lee U.S. Iiouse of Representatives 2267 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Lee: Thank you for your letter encouraging thc ommission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your lettcr will be included in the Lifcline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Alier careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Provider have since developed a number of innovative solutions lo ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing con umer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the ommission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-firsl century cconomy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and la ting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advancc access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me kno" if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, • 445 12TH 5TREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 ..JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable John Lewis U.S. House of Representatives 343 Cannon House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Lewis: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be ineluded in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-lirst century economy. Our steps arc also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. - ulius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 The Honorable Ben Ray Lujan U.S. I-louse of Representatives 330 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Lujan: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Rejiu'lI1 Order, the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem wastc and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it tran itions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband lor all Americans. Please Ictmc know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, - Julius Genachowski 445 12lH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-' 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Gregory W. Meeks U.S. House of Representatives 2234 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Meeks: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the L(Feline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Arter careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. \\hile a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for lo\\-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are al 0 ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its effort to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202'418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Brad Miller U.S. House of Representatives 1127 Longworth I-louse Ol'lice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 DcaI' Congressman Miller: Thank you for your Ictter encouraging the Commission to postpone implemcntation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requiremcnts. 1 value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminatc the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will bc included in thc Li feline rcform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission ha made some tough choiccs in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requiremcnt in the LiFeline ReFmn Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem wastc and abusc with the potcntial additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifelinc-supported scrvice. After careful consideration. the ommission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to vcrify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers havc since developed a numbcr of innovative solutions to cnsure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burdcn. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay thc groundwork for modcrnizing the Lifcline program to include broadband scrvice. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to bcnc!it (i'om the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline progranl. I look forward to \\orking with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. - Julius Genachowski 445 12TH 5TREET S.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202'418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Grace F. Napolitano U.S. House of Representatives 1610 Longworth I-louse Officc Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Napolitano: Thank you for your leuer encouraging thc Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility ccrtification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for thc Commission's cfforts to eliminate the wastc and abuse in this important program. Your leuer will bc included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requircment in the Lifeline Re/iIl'/11 Order, the Commission balanced the urgcntneed to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumcrs to obtain a Lifeline-supported servicl:. After careful consideration. thc Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requircment as an intcrim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility databasc is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things, are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and la ting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecoml11unications and broadband for all Americans. Pleasl: Ict me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. • Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREET 5.W. WASHINGTON, D.C, 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton U.S. House of Representatives 2136 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Norton: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the ne" Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's eflorts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem wastc and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have ince developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure eompliancl:: with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to inelude broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. - Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202·418" 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Ed Pastor U.S. House of Rcpresentatives 2465 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Pastor: Thank you for your lettcr encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline cligibility ccrtification rcquiremcnts. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your leiter will be includcd in the Lifcline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc noted, the Commission has made some tough choiccs in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requircment in thc Lifeline Re/orlll Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem wastc and abusc with the potential additional burdcn on certain consumers to obtain a Lifelinc-supported service. After careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requircment as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc developed a numbcr of innovative solutions to ensure compliancc with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things, are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first ccnturyeconomy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Amcricans. Plcase lelmc know if I can be of any further assistance. ulius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 .JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Pedro R. Pierluisi U.S. '-louse of Representatives 1213 Longworth I louse Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Pierluisi: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implemcntation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R4iJl'/Il Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the COl11mi sion unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc developed a numbcr of innovative solutions to cnsure compliance with thc requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the ommission continues its effort to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Amcrieans. Please let mc know if I can be of any furthcr assistance. Sincerely. 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable David E. Price U.S. I-louse of Representatives 2162 Rayburn I louse Of'lice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Price: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implemcntation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your suppol1 for the Commission's efforts 10 eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers 10 obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility cel1ification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc developed a number of innovati\ e solutions to ensure compliance \I ith the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibilit) database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHQWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Charles B. Rangcl U.S. House of Reprcsentativcs 2354 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Rangel: Thank you for your ICller cncouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your leller will be includcd inthc Lifelinc rcform proceeding record for Commi sion consideration. As you have notcd. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the ccrtification requircment in the Lifeline Reform Order. thc Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Aftcr careful consideration. thc Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification rcquiremcm as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers havc since developed a number of innovative solutions to cnsure compliancc with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is devcloped. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing thc Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifcline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from thc twemy-first century economy. Our stcps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Li fcl ine program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance acccss to telccommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please Ictme know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 44512THSTREETS.W WASHINGTON,DC 20554.202'418'1000 cP""u~~~( .. \~ I I.o •. .C'~I,fISSP" JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 The Iionorable Silvestrc Reyes U.. House of Represcntativcs 2210 Raybum House Officc Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Reyes: Thank you for your Ictter encouraging the Commission to postponc implemcntation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and apprcciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding rccord for Commission consideration. As you have notcd. the Commission has made somc tough choices in rcforming the Lifeline program. In the ccrtification requirement in thc Lifeline Re/iJrll1 Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem wastc and abusc with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful considcration, thc Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc dcvclopcd a numbcr of innovative solutions to ensure compliancc with the requircment while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to includc broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-incomc Americans to bcnefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our teps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance acccss to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerc Iy. ulius Genachowski 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON, D,C, 20554 .202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15, 2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Laura Richardson U.S. House of Representatives 1330 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Richardson: Thank) ou (or your leller encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline R~forlll Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration, the ommission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork (or modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps arc also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with) ou further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. ulius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202'4 I 8-1 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 I..!ULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard U.S. I-louse of Rcprcsentatives 2330 Rayburn Ilouse Officc Building Washington, D.C. 205 I5 Dear Congresswoman Roybal-Allard: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline cligibility ccrtification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the ommission's efforts to climinate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your lettcr will be ineludcd in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted. thc Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In thc ccrtification requirement in Lhe Lifeline R~/()rlll Order. thc Commission balanced thc urgcnt need to stem waste and abusc with the potential additional burden on ccrtain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supportcd service. Artcr careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility ccrtification requirement as an interim step to verify thc eligibility of all Lifeline recipients whilc it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have sincc developed a number of innovative solutions to cnsurc compliancc with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. whilc a national eligibilit) database is developcd. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allO\>\ing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Li feline program. I look forward to working with you flllther as the Commission continucs its efforts LO advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Amcricans. Please let mc know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Robert C. Scott U.S. I louse of Represel1latives 1201 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Scott: Thank you lor your Icttcr cncouraging thc Commission to postpone implemcntation of the new Lifeline cligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commi sion consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced the urgent need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. After careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me kno" if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Julius Genaehowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Iionorable Albio Sires .S. House of Representatives 2342 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Sires: Thank you for your lener encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your lellcr will be included in the Lifelinc reform procccding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has made some tough choict:s in rcforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Li/eline Re/orlll Order. the Commission balanct:d the urgentnccd to stem wastc and abusc with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Aftcr careful consideration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burdcn. while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modcrnizing the Lifelinc program to includt: broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit frolll the twenty-first century economy. Our steps are also cnsuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with) ou further as the Commission cuntinucs its efforts to advancc access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Plcase It:t me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson U.S. House of Representatives 2466 Rayburn Ilouse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Thompson: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you havc noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in reforming the Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, the Commission balanced the urgent necd to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Arter careful consideration. the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility certification requirement as an interim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solution to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improved accountability among other things, arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifeline program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from the t\\enty-first century economy. Our steps are also en uring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, - Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 The Honorable Edolphus Towns U.S. House of Repre entatives 2232 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Towns: Thank you for your letter encouraging the Commission to postponc implemelllation of the new Lifeline eligibility certification requirements. I value your views and appreciate your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminatc the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be included in the Lifeline reform proceeding record for Commission consideration. As you have noted, the Commission has madc some tough choices in reforming thc Lifeline program. In the certification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, the Commission balanced thc urgent need to stem waste and abusc with the potential additional burden on certain consumers to obtain a Lifeline-supportcd scrvice. After careful considcration, the Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility cel1ification requirement as an intcrim step to verify the eligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility database. Providers have since developcd a number of innovative solutions to ensurc compliance with the requiremcnt while minimizing consumer burden, while a national eligibility database is developed. The savings from the improvcd accountability among other things. are allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modernizing the Lifelinc program to include broadband service, which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to benefit from thc l\\enty-first century economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifeline program. I look forward to working with you further as the Commission continucs its cfforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. incerely. • Julius Genachowski 445 r 2TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-4,8-,000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 15,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Melvin Wan U.S. House of Representativcs 2304 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Wan: Thank you for your letter encouraging thc Commission to postpone implementation of the new Lifeline eligibility ccrtification requirements. I value your views and apprcciatc your support for the Commission's efforts to eliminate the waste and abuse in this important program. Your letter will be ineluded in the Lifelinc rcform proceeding record for Commission considcration. As you havc noted, the Commission has made some tough choices in rcforming thc Lifeline program. In the certification requiremcnt in the Lifeline Reform Order. the Commission balanced thc urgcnt need to stem waste and abuse with the potential additional burdcn on ccrtain consumcrs to obtain a Lifeline-supported service. Artcr carcful considcration. thc Commission unanimously adopted the eligibility ccrtification requirement as an interim step to vcrify thc cligibility of all Lifeline recipients while it transitions to a national eligibility databasc. Providers have since developed a number of innovative solutions to ensure compliance with the requirement while minimizing consumer burden. while a national eligibility database is dcveloped. The savings from the improvcd accountability among other things. arc allowing the Commission to lay the groundwork for modcrnizing the Lifeline program to ineludc broadband service. which we agree is critical for low-income Americans to bcnefit from thc t\\cllly-first ccntury economy. Our steps are also ensuring a strong foundation for a strong and lasting Lifelinc program. I look forward to working with you further as thc Commission continues its efforts to advance access to telecommunications and broadband for all Americans. Please let mc kno\\ if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. .Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000