~ongrt~~oftb~mnittb.i>tatt~ Jioun of .eprumtatibd . .~ington,18GC20515 . 04/07/2011 10:35 lARRY KISSELL 8TH QI&TIllCT. NOImlCAAo~~ 'WAlHlNGTQH OFRQI 512 CANNQN HOUU O""CE !IJ.ll.gIN8 WA,$lol....CR'oN, DC 20115 . 2O=wT!. 2O~-1IA,l( April 1, 2011 7047821004 CONGRESSMAN KISSELL • • . . .. . ',' .' . PAGE 01/02 lI1M"'lTTIM: All.'CULTURE COMMITTEE 6UlCOMMITTU ON COHIiIlw",,"ON, CNiDIT, IIH~.ANQ"U~CW SU.COMNrnII eN 13£NBW.'AIlM CoMMOOlTl_ AHa RlslIi MANA4l1MlNT SUICQMMlTTD ON Ru....\,~.NT. IbOTIcHNOlO...., SI'EClAL'N c:..ol'l, AND . FI)IlIIGH ACIfIdCUI,'NA1 ARMEO SERVices COMMITTEE SU.~MMmuON FIEADlNEa . Chairman Julius~llaChoW&ki'.. . Fed6raI.CQmPIJJJiieations COmmisSion 445 12th St!eet $W Was~on.D.C 20554 Re: . Appellant-Uni!:ln County Publi(,; Schools (NC) '. BEN: 126955 . . .' . FCCRl!~tion:001~55616.. Fortt1471 Nvmber:648043 . Fundn1g RequestNumber: 1782773 Dea,rCh~Genachowski, l.amwriting this letter on behalf qfUnionGou~ty.p?bli~Schools (UCPS) and their appeal ofthe funding denial inwhichfunillng year 2009. 2010 havebeen denied and the reimbursement provided infunding.y~.2008 is being demanded back. I have been .apprised ofthe circumstances and fee} that, whlleth~provision and receipt ofconcert .' tickets may nothave been a good dec$.sion for'those!:llvol~it IS not inviolation ofthe competitive biddiilg requirements for the folloWing reasons: . . 1. The transaction ocetm:ed well after the Contract had been awarded; 2. The contract was aWarded to the lowest and;rnost responsive bidder; and, 3. Until the FCC developed the definition ofnominal iIi 2010, long.after.the concert tickets were provided, and even after USAC made theini~ deterniination,i:her~~no standardbywhich tojudge the actions. Itis patentlyunfair to hold a school disUict to a standa,rd that had not yetbeen adopted.. . . 4.. There.WasnoviolationofBow ofEducation.policywith receipt ofthe tickets, and, USAC lacks the authority to interpret'Board ofEducation policy.. The goals ofUniverSal Service,as~lidatedbythe 1996 Act, are to promote the' availability ofqtiality services atreasonable andaffordable rates for all consumers; increase.nationwide access to advanced telecom,muriications services; advance the ...-"""""' 3211 Mt:Gu. AYINult SUIT' BOO CONCOl'O. NC HOD 7114-711-1611 704-,~,g04-"AX ROCKI~OI=ACII 2aO ..:wr1llw41CUH~ Ra-.-.... NC;: 2la7B; . 81D-H"-2070· .,~-7iI1t7- FAx ""INTlE:lON~p":",,, . ';lYWl'l'lYllU_ 8261~ROAD, SUlTl2 .."WTTI'tI1.U, NC IIIG4 81W2Q-21l10 tlO-11ZWOI8- FAx 04/07/2011 10:35 7047821004 CONGRESSMAN KISSELL PAGE 02/02 availability ofsuch services to all consumers; includ4lithose inlow income, rural, . insular, and high cost areas at rates thatare reasonably comparable to those charged in urban·areas; increase access totelecomm~catiopsand, adVllnced services in schools, libraries and.rural health care facilities; andto provide equitable andnon discriminatory contributions from allproviderso~telecommunications services .to the fund supporting universal service programs.· . USAChas denied funcijng"for tliree fiscal years althOUgh the goals ofthe Fund remain intaCt: and are still upheld with integrity, as no procurement violations were compromisedby UCPS. Now inthe.seVenth month awaiting a decision on appeal, UCPS is not the only enti1=}" being punished for a·policythat did not exist. The citizens,and most iromc:ally, the children ofthe Union County Public School Qistrict are now being made to suffer as UCPS must budget with this deficiency. Therefore,~.respectful1ym.ake thefollowing two requests. Carefullyweigh the . argu,mentsmadeby UCPSintheir appeal considering the ruleS thatwere in place at the .time ofthe action. Secondly, inthis time offiscal urgency and the dire need for technology inour public schools, I~questthatyou make your determination in the most eXiJeditioW!· manner appropriate. l.l!nY.KiSsell Member ofCongress , 0. : cc:Com~s~onerMichael J,Cop~ C<:lmnpmOJ;ler Mignon Clyburn· . Commissioner Meredith AftweRBaker . Joel Gtirhi, Bureau Chief . Dr. Ed Davis . . Ms: .Matireen Rooney