CLAIRE McCASKilL MISSOURI 711 HNrr SE .....Tl ()oha 8lJU>1'" W~,DC20510 ,2021224 t'1!><,15731442··7,40 4'41 1'F."N6YWA..'A AYfNuE SUITE '01 KANSAS CrTI', Me 54111 1818)421·1639 FA><: 18161421-2562 5II500E'''AIl BOULF'VAIlU Surrr A S, LOU,s,M0S3112 (3141367-1364 F"""1314) 3lIHI549 324 PARI< c.Nnw. WlST Su',," 10' S...,~<"".".Me 65806 14'71 868---ll745 FA": 14171831 1349 0039 you should work to ensure that consumers whom have already experienced substantial inflation in cable rates will not experience new, disproportionate rate increases as a result ofthe merger. Thank you for your consideration. Claire McCaskill United States Senator