Dear Chairman Genachowsld: The HOIl, Julius Genachowski Chairtl1an Fedettll Communications Commission 445'12 Street, SW Washinf:,rtO\l, D,C,20544 HOWARD COBLE SIX'" DISTRICT NOATH CAflOLINA 2468 RAYBLJRN HOUSE! O"IC! BUILOING WASHINGTON, DC 20616...1:)08 PHON!: !202) 226-3066 FAx: (202)226-8&11 8-mllll: howard.coblllOmall,hou8B.tjOV www, it ([ongress of tbt~nitebi>tates 1f.Jouse of 1\epresentatlbes _al$bington,tJ9lll: 20515-3306 August 3, 2010 COh,lMlneES; JUDICIARY RANKING Ml:Meefl, SUBCOMMITTea ON COURTS ANDCoMP~nTI!,NPOL.ICY TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE PRINTED ON RECYCLeD PAPeR ltis my understanding that retransmissionconsent negotiations between contel1t providers and multichannel video prograrlllning distributors have become increasingly controversial. In a perfect world the free market would drive these negotiations but the l'cality is that Tetransmissionconsent negotiations are not tree. from government involvement. Thisis complicated by a110thet reality; the marketplace is subject to rapid change as new technologies come onIin\'), The Federal Comtn Ul1 ications Conuriission has a tesponsibility to el1sure the ihterests ofconsumers arc not undenuined when retransmission consent negotiations \'>reak doWl1. With that in mind, Iwould support the Commission reviewing these negotiations. that being said, I do 'lOt advocate that the Commission take any specific action. Sincerely, r~ HOWARD COBLE Member ofCongress HC:jfm SUlTII101 222 SUNSET A%NU& ASHi80no, Nc 27203-56118 PHONEI 1338) 828"5060 FAX: (336)629-7819 124WIl8T·E~'SlREl!.T POSTO~"ICIl:Box 812 GRAHAM, NC 2721la-0812 PI'IONI: (838)229-0158 FAX:(336l226~7974 806 SOUTH SALISBURYAveNU~ P09TO~FlCI!Box 807 ORANITl! QUAfll\v,NC 28012-.0807 PHONli: (704) 208-.0428 FAX: (704)2D9:...()429 Surra B· 2102'NORTH,E~MSTAEP.T Gl\lIlN8oono,'NC 27408-6100 PHONE: (338) 333'-6006 PAX: (338) 333-li04B 11134 NOIlTH MAlNSTADIlT Surra 101 }.t1!lH POINT, NO 27262-2844 ~ONII:(336),90e'-6106 FAX:(338)SS6-9740