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  1. Should I register as a sole proprietor business or as an individual?
  2. If you applied for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) within the U.S. state or territory where you do business, register as a "Business," selecting "Private Sector" and then "Sole Proprietor" as your business type. If you are doing business as an individual and you use your Social Security Number (SSN) as your business identification, register as an individual.

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  3. I am with a not-for-profit organization and the organization pays no taxes. Do I have to register for an FRN?
  4. Yes. The FRN is the singular unique identifier used to represent you in all business transactions with the FCC, thus it is required in all cases.

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  5. I am with a state/local government agency that pays no taxes. Do we have to register for an FRN?
  6. Yes. A state/local government agency is considered a business entity and, if you are doing business with the FCC, you must register for an FRN.

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  7. I am with a foreign business or foreign government agency. Do I have to register for an FRN?
  8. Yes. If you are doing business with the FCC, you must register for an FRN. The online application process is the same for domestic and foreign registrants, with only minor differences in the data collected (for instance, foreign and domestic address fields will vary slightly).

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  9. I am already registered with the Universal Licensing System (ULS). Do I have to register for an FRN?
  10. Many ULS registrants were pre-registered within the FCC Registration System. Your current ULS password was brought over and associated with your newly created FRN. Your ULS password is your new FRN password, except:

    • If your password was more than 15 characters long in ULS, it was truncated to 15 characters (i.e., the ULS password wtblicensingexample would convert to the FRN password wtblicensingexa);
    • If your password was shorter than six characters in ULS, you need to enter the required number of "*" after your password until there are six characters (i.e., the ULS password wtb would convert to the FRN password wtb***); or
    • If your ULS password was set to a ULS default password, the system has assigned you a new password. To obtain the new FRN password, contact the FRN administrator.

    We did not modify your current ULS password.

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  11. I am registered with one of your licensing systems, but not the ULS. Do I have to register for an FRN?
  12. Yes. You must register on the FCC Registration web site in order to receive an FRN. Unless you are infomed otherwise, internal licensing systems do not automatically register you with the FCC Registration system. Each licensing system has a link to FCC Registration web site, allowing you to easily aquire an FRN. The FCC Registration site will return you back to that system after you complete the registration process and receive your FRN.

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  13. How is the FCC going to use the information I provide?
  14. We will use the information to verify that you have made the proper payments and to mail annual fee schedules and other materials. If you give us an email address and you are entitled to a refund of fees, the Commission can let you know if you can expect a refund from Treasury. The various licensing systems in use at the FCC will continue to be the source for a licensee's official mailing address on a specific license.

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  15. What is a contact, and is it required?
  16. The FCC requires that you provide a contact name or contact position/title. You do not have to provide both. A contact address is also required. Please specify the address at which you want the FCC to contact you about your FRN as the contact address.

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  17. What will happen if I fail to obtain a FRN?
  18. You will be unable to do business with the FCC. It is mandatory that you obtain and use your registration number with any filing requiring a Entity Identification Number or Social Security Number. This includes all feeable and non-feeable applications, and all other payments to the FCC including the payment remittance form (FCC Form 159), regulatory fee payments, waivers, auction payments, forfeitures, and other payments and collections.

    For the list of forms/filings that require an FRN, consult the link near the top of the FCC form download page.

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  19. What is an "entity"?
  20. An entity is any person or organization. This includes public or private, and profit or not-for-profit, organizations.

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