Who is impacted by the decommissioning of Legacy CORES?

1. Anyone needing to register a new FCC Registration Number (FRN).

   The enhanced Commission Registration System (CORES2) allows users to register and manage
   any number of FRNs. All users must have a valid and verified FCC Username to access CORES2.

  *The FRN registration form in CORES2 does not require a unique password.

2. Anyone needing to make updates to an existing FRN including resetting FRN password

   The enhanced Commission Registration System (CORES2) allows users to reset FRN passwords
   for existing FRNs that are NOT already associated to an FCC Username. Please note, once an
   FRN's password is reset by one FCC Username account, it is hence managed in the CORES2
   system; additional users may request association to the FRN in CORES2. Upon associating
   one's FCC Username to an FRN, the user may make updates to the FRN unless they have only
   been granted "view only" permission.

  *Once a username is associated to an FRN, the FRN may be used along with the username's
  password to access FCC systems that require FRN/Password to login.

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