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Username/FRN Management
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Username/FRN Management

  1. How do I reset/update my Username-Password?
  2. From the CORES FCC Registration-Login Page, click the "Forgot/Reset your Password?" link.

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  3. Can I still reset my FRN-Password?
  4. Yes. If you have an FRN that has an FRN-Password, you can access the updated CORES System, log in with your registered Username and Password, and click the "Reset FRN Password?" link. The FRN does not need to be associated to your Username Account in order for you to use this functionality.

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  5. How do I associate my username to my FRN?
  6. In order to associate your username to an existing FRN, you must log in to CORES and click on the "Associate Username to FRN" link.

    If you register for a new FRN after you have signed into CORES, the system will associate your username to that FRN automatically.

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  7. How do I setup an Administrator for my FRN?
  8. Any user that can provide the FRN and FRN-Password for an existing FRN can successfully associate with the FRN and become an Administrator.

    These user(s) can then assign/approve permission levels to other users. If a user should be removed as the Administrator of the FRN, a new Administrator must be assigned before their permission level can be downgraded.

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  9. What are the permission levels that can be assigned to users?
  10. Administer - Manage users associated with the FRN, and update the FRN information.

    Manage - View users assocaited with the FRN, and update the FRN information.

    View - View users associated with the FRN, and view the FRN information.

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  11. Can an Administrator associate a username to the FRN without a request?
  12. Yes. From the Manage FRNs page, click the "List Users" link to go to the FRN User List page. Click the "Add a User" link, then enter the username of the user you want to associate to the FRN.

    The user you are adding must have a registered FCC Username Account.

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  13. What information is on the Manage FRNs page?
  14. This page allows you to view your associated FRNs by permission level, update/view FRN Registration Information, and manage/view Username-FRN permissions. The page also lists any FRN Association Requests that you have sent or that others have sent for FRNs for which you are an Administrator.

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  15. What are the user options on the Manage FRNs page?
  16. "Update/View FRN" - Will allow you to update the FRN registration information. If your permission level is set to View, this link will be displayed as "View FRN".

    "List Users" - Will allow you to view all users that are associated with the FRN. If your permission level is set to Administer, you will be allowed to update, add, and delete the associated users' permission levels.

    "Remove my Access" - Will allow you to remove your association to the selected FRN. If you are the only Administrator for the FRN, your permissions cannot be updated until another Administrator has been added.

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  17. What is the "FRN Association Requests" tab used for?
  18. This tab has 2 functions:

    1. Allows users to view their pending FRN Association Requests.

    2. Allows the Administrator to view and take action on requests from other users to associate to the FRN.

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  19. Why do I have to enter a comment to associate my username to an existing FRN?
  20. This comment is displayed to the Administrator to assist them in making an FRN Association approval/rejection decision.

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  21. The system is requesting that I enter an FRN-Password. What if I don't have the password?
  22. For FRNs that already have an associated Administrator, CORES will route the request to the Administrator for approval if submitted without the password.

    If you registered your FRN using your FCC Username Account, your FRN will not have a password.

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  23. How do I associate my username to my FRN if I am the only user, and I have forgotten my password?
  24. You must click the "Forgot FRN Password?" link on the Associate User to FRN - Enter Password page. This will allow you to reset your FRN password by answering your personal security question (PSQ).

    If you successfully reset your password, the system will complete the Username-FRN association process as if you had entered the password.

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  25. Can I cancel a pending request to associate my username to an FRN?
  26. Yes. From the FRN Association Requests tab on the Manage FRNs page, click the "Remove FRN Association Request" link.

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