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  FCC Form 499 Filer Database Detailed Information
Form 499 Filer 836277 RSS Feed
     Filer Identification Information: 
     499 Filer ID Number:                836277
     Registration Current as of:         4/3/2023
     Legal Name of Reporting Entity:     Televoir Technologies
     Doing Business As:                  TELEVOIR TECHNOLOGIES LLC
     Principal Communications Type:      Operator Service Provider (OSP)
     Universal Service Fund Contributor: No
        (Contact USAC at 888-641-8722 if this is not correct.)
     Holding Company:                    Televoir Technologies
     Registration Number (CORESID):      0034029462
     Management Company:                 Televoir Technologies
     Headquarters Address:               30N Gould Ste R
                     City:               Sheridan
                    State:               WY
                 ZIP Code:               82801
     Customer Inquiries Address:         30N Gould Ste R
                     City:               Sheridan
                    State:               WY
                 ZIP Code:               82801
     Customer Inquiries Telephone:       256-667-2056  Ext: 001
     Other Trade Names:                  TELEVOIR TECHNOLOGIES LLC

     Agent for Service of Process: 
     Local/Alternate Agent for Service
     of Process:                          										 										 
                           Fax:          ----
     Business Address of Agent for
     Mail or Hand Service of Documents:  
                      ZIP Code:          
     D.C. Agent for Service of Process:  Zack Brown
                                         TELEVOIR TECHNOLOGIES LLC										 										   	
                     Telephone:          917-310-3156
                     Extension:          001
                        E-Mail:          info@televoir.com
     Business Address of D.C. Agent for
     Mail or Hand Service of Documents:  30N Gould Ste R
                          City:          Washington
                         State:          DC
                      ZIP Code:          20017

     FCC Registration Information: 
     Chief Executive Officer:            Syed Bukhari
            Business Address:            30N Gould Ste R
                        City:            Sheridan
                       State:            WY
                    ZIP Code:            82801

     Chairman or Other Senior Officer:   Rebha Fakher
            Business Address:            30N Gould Ste R
                        City:            Sheridan
                       State:            WY
                    ZIP Code:            82801

     President or Other Senior Officer:  Wajeeh Haq
            Business Address:            30N Gould Ste R
                        City:            Sheridan
                       State:            WY
                    ZIP Code:            82801

     Jurisdictions in Which the Filing Entity Provides Telecommunications Services:

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This database reflects filings received by USAC as of Feb. 21, 2025FCC Form 499 Filer Database Software Version 01.03.06 July 21, 2011